​612-532-9046 deb@debregan.com


My name is Deb.  I am a mom, a grandma, an intuitive, a teacher and a healer. My path of ‘seeking’ began in 1994 when I witnessed my dad transition. Seeing that beautiful process unfold, I knew there was more to explore that I had been suppressing in my life up to that point.

In my process of seeking, I was instantly drawn to space clearing.  I had my home cleared, began learning how to do it, and eventually began  clearing homes and businesses, both locally and at a distance.  My husband describes my space clearing as ‘acupuncture for a space’ – clearing the blocks and allowing energy to flow again. 

In one of the first spaces that I cleared, two young girls were having nightmares. After I cleared the space, their mom told me that she was standing at the street looking back at her house holding her 3-year-old daughter’s hand, when her daughter exclaimed, “Mommy, I just love living in our happy house!” From that point, I knew that space clearing was a big part of my path.

I also began taking classes with the Modern Mystery School that allowed me to go even deeper in my seeking path. The main premise of a Mystery School is to ‘know thyself.’  The healing modalities that I have learned so far allow me to  ‘clear the space’ of an individual in addition to clearing his or her home or business. 

In short, I am passionate about creating a sanctuary space both within clients’ spaces and within their being so they can move forward on their path with ease and flow.

Today I am a Certified Healer, Teacher and Life Activation Practitioner with the Modern Mystery School. I also am certifed as a Holistic Health Coach and as a Transformational Healer.


“We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh


“Whatever is flexible and flowing will tend to grow; whatever is rigid and blocked will wither and die.”

– Tao Te Ching

My Background

Some highlights from my journey so far: 

Certified Ensofic Ray Practitioner 2018 –

Certified Life Activation Practitioner and 2nd Step Initiate 2017 – 

Max Meditation Instructor 2017 –

Universal Kabbalist 2018 –

Initiate within the Lineage of King Salomon 2017 –

Functional Nutrition and Health Coaching 2012 –

Feng Shui Space Clearing Practitioner 2006 –

Attorney 1981 – 1997

It is up to each of us to embark upon the journey of exploring the infinite landscape of the self, to bring forward the expression of your unique spirit.

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