​612-532-9046 deb@debregan.com

Healing Sessions


Life Activation

Ready to balance your energy and bring light into your DNA? This is a powerful session, and the perfect place to start your journey. A Life Activation activates both your physical and your spiritual DNA. Having both activated allows us to further expand our being and our senses.

Some of the benefits my clients have received with a Life Activation include: greater awareness of their gifts, the ability to move forward with ease, feeling lighter, feeling happier, relief from migraines, and greater peace.

The Life Activation session is a pre-requisite for the Empower Thyself Initiation. You may want to check out my packages that pair the Life Activation with other sessions for maximum benefit.



Full SPirit Activation

The Full Spirit Activation takes the Life Activation to the next level, connecting you to your soul which allows you to become more adaptable in life. The activation works with key regions of the brain, unlocking channels of awareness in the body and enhancing neurological function. Those who have taken this step have found it very, very supportive for their life.

Some of the benefits my clients have received include greater clarity, a sort of ‘click’ of their life into place, and greater connection to their inner being and intuition.



Energy Clearing

This is one of the most important healings to help let go of the past and step forward in life without all the emotional baggage that we tend to carry with us.

Emotional cords form between you and other people and situations continuously in your life. Some of these cords are healthy, but others drain and leak your energy, leaving you feeling tired and emotionally drained. A cord is still present even if the person is no longer a part of your life.

An emotional cord cutting cuts through these energetic bonds, allowing you to feel light and centered with the space to form new and healthy relationships. This session includes:

– Emotional cord cutting to release negative emotional cords that cause you to feel drained.

– Aura Purification by Light to clear your aura of negativity.

– Negative Energy Removal to release any outside negative influences affecting you and filling with your positive desires.



FIRE/SOUL Infusion

The Fire/Soul Infusion is a powerful session that engraves Sacred Geometry symbols on to your energy field to assist you with reaching your highest potential. When this infusion occurs, a gateway is opened within to focus your energy and align with your life purpose.

Benefits include:

  • Opening to a deeper level of awareness and activation of your true divine nature,
  • Opening more expansive thinking,
  • More vitality,
  • Recalibration of your magnetic structure.


* A Life Activation session is necessary at some point prior to receiving this infusion.





Ensofic Ray

The Ensofic Ray is the highest ray of light that exists in the cosmos. Using that light for healing goes far deeper than traditional hands-on healing work. It goes to the energetic foundation that creates and manifests disease. Ensofic Ray heightens the vibration of the body which allows you to release lower energies that may result in illness. It harmonizes our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual structures so that we may create a full life. It also can assist in releasing old wounds and negative patterns.

The full healing is done over the course of three sessions.

$200 per session


Shamanic Aura Clearing

This is one of my favorite clearings. It is powerful and simple at the same time. Let go of what is not serving you that has taken up residence in your aura! Maintenance of the aura is critical for light workers in order to hold light for ourselves and those we serve. Having a clear aura allows us to move through the world with more clarity and ease.

This session can be packaged with the Aura Healing and the Egyptian Aura Clearing for a complete Aura spa treatment.


Egyptian Aura Clearing

This session works on seven layers of your aura, healing and balancing at a very deep level. Imagine being bundled up with seven layers of clothing for a cold winter day. Then imagine coming inside, and slowly but surely, removing each layer of clothing as you stand before a roaring fire and feeling the newfound freedom in your being! You can dance, you can move – you have lifted a lot of baggage off of your being that you have been carrying around. 

This session can be packaged with the Aura Healing and the Shamanic Aura Clearing for a complete Aura spa treatment.



The Core/Will Infusion assists with putting you in alignment with the will of your Higher Self. 

Benefits include:

  • Creating more clarity of life and purpose
  • Enhancing your connection with your spiritual self
  • Increasing reverence for the experience of life

Prerequisite: A Life Activation session is required at some point prior to receiving this infusion.



Spark of Life

This session is the most powerful long-distance healing available. It was originally developed for Priests and Priestesses in ancient Egypt to help them when they went out from the temples and did their service work.

Spark of Life is very beneficial for physical ailments such as an accident, surgery, or a crisis that calls for immediate healing. It also can help with detoxing and pain management. Because you are being infused with the highest light and life force during the session, it can establish more peace and grounding and move you into more alignment with your life purpose.

Session can only be done remotely.

