​612-532-9046 deb@debregan.com

What is a myStery school? 


a tradition of empowerment and service

Until the Modern Mystery School was founded in 1997, mystery schools were hidden, secretive and completely out of the public eye. Their teachings were handed down orally, with roots in shamanic and mystic wisdom. The mystery schools became hidden when humanity shifted from nomadic tribes living in tune with nature and the Universe to a path of control over nature and consolidation of power and wealth. When that happened, those who carried this wisdom were persecuted and killed to keep their knowledge from the world.

Thankfully the essential teachings and practices of the mystery schools were maintained intact and are available to us today. 

the lineage of king salomon

Mystery school teachings can be found scattered throughout history, but the lineage of the mystery schools can be traced back in an unbroken line to King Salomon the Wise – more than 3,000 years. 

There are 7 mystery schools on the planet today, and each school fulfills a particular role on the planet. They also carry the duty to protect the teachings and techniques of enlightenment, healing and manifestation so they may be practiced for thousands of years to come.

Thanks to generations of initiates, the essential mystery school teachings have been maintained intact – just waiting for a time when they could be shared publicly in order to help humanity return to more harmony, abundance and peace. 




Path of initiation

The Path of Initiation is the path to ‘Know Thyself.’ It also is known as the ‘Great Work.’ We can self-initiate and proceed slowly on the path on our own, or we can walk the way carved by millions of initiates throughout the ages, accelerating our progress toward fulfilling our unique purpose and knowing ourselves.

The choice is always yours. If any of this resonates with you, I encourage you to consider a Life Activation and the Empower Thyself program with Initiation.

Living life alive

The goal:

To live a life filled with joy and beauty doing good in service to others.